Software for centralized management and alerting of security trainings
We developed a web-based application for a client to manage workplace-specific safety instructions with tracking. Verifications of these records are usually a fundamental part of certification audits.
There are several information options:
- Self-disclosure: Training overview of an employee, all confirmed trainings of the employee are displayed.
- Group evaluation: Capability to evaluate the trainings of several persons and machines.
- Annual information: capability to evaluate all trainings of the current and previous year.
The user identifies himself via his employee ID.
The access permissions to the individual functional areas of the software differ based on the authorization group of the user (employee), .
For example, training confirmation is only allowed if the trainer is in a higher authorization group than the trainee. Furthermore, the trainer himself must have a valid
training for the training object.
Logged in users are automatically logged out after a period of inactivity.
It is possibility to have daily or weekly email notifications sent, informing of soon to expire trainings.